Monday, February 23, 2009

How to get organized for cheap

As student, we have papers flying everywhere from our car to inside our backpacks and apartments. It’s not a pretty sight and it doesn’t make it easy to find anything.

I have found a solution that works for me.

First, you must organize each class’s material and any extra information, like information from advising meetings or major requirements into separate groups by subject. Next, make sure each subject has its own section to file its papers, whether it’s in three ring notebook, binder or folders. I like to use binders for my class subjects because I can reuse a binder. Other people I know use separate loose folders to file papers for each subject.

With a binder, you can separate each subject’s material using tabs that stick out from the other papers in the binder. You can also create your own tabs using colored paper to separate each subject. Some subjects may give so many papers that I use folder with extra pockets inside my binder to hold my papers. You can color coordinate or label your folders for each class subject.

These are something that work for me to stay organized. If you would like more information please read “Thrifty and Nifty Storage Ideas”. Good luck getting organized.
(Image from Ski-N-Ride)

Stop overstocking

Have you opened your fridge or pantry and have things fall out on top of you?

Well, I have. It’s time to stop overstocking the fridge and pantry. It’s time to clean it out. It’s New Year. I know we all have those cans or old salads dressing that haven’t been used since who knows when. It’s time to throw them out!

I know there are times when you’re not sure how long some items have been in your fridge. “When in doubt, throw it out," says Massimo Marcone, a food scientist at Ontario's University of Guelph.

The Canadian Press gives advice to people on cleaning out their fridge and pantry in the article “To eat or not to eat? That is the question when cleaning out pantry, fridge” by Sheryl Ubelacker.

If you don’t listen to Ms. Unbelacker’s advice, at least listen to me to stop procrastinating and clean it out.

(Image from Farlane blog)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


“Store closing Everything Must Go”

You know that means great discounts! Where at you ask? Well at Filene's Basement. Filene’s Basement is closing to due the economy and lack of income, said Sales Associate, Anna H.

I went to the Filene’s Basement in Towson yesterday. I brought two pairs of Steve Madden scandals with little heels for $13 dollar and blue dress for $15. I don’t know when I will wear this blue dress, but I couldn’t turn down the great deal. I love getting items for great deal. It makes me feel good about myself and I still have money in my pocket for later.

So hurry to nearest Filene’s Basement location to you, only few days left in this great sale.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thrift find!

Have you ever heard the saying “One mans trash is another mans treasures”? Well, I was reading through recent news stories on the BBC website and found a story that relates to that saying. The title of news article was “Man finds US troop data on MP3 player".

“A New Zealand man says he found confidential data about US military personnel on an MP3 player he bought from a thrift shop in Oklahoma” said BBC news. According to Chris Ogle (the man who purchase the mp3 player) "The more I looked at it, the more I see and the less I think I should be looking”. If you would like to read more please click on title of the article above.
(Image from La Salle Queensland website)

So next time your in Thrift shop remember “One man’s trash is another man’s treasures or secrets”, so be carful on what your purchase.

“Get paid to change”

Last week, my roommate and I were bored so we went to the Loch Raven Plaza shopping center near our apartment. In this shopping center there is a Subway, Dollar Store, Radio Shack, Plato’s Closet and much more. We were curious what Plato’s Closet had to offer, so we went inside.

Inside Plato’s Closet you will find a huge selection of stylish, designer clothing and at great prices. Another important tip about Plato’s closet is they “buy used clothing and accessories and buy items that have been in the retail stores within the past 12 to 18 months”. Not only can you buy great clothing and accessories here, you can sell them you cloths back.

Sales associate, Tyra Powers, 21, said at Plato’s Closet they “pay on the spot for all items accepted and there is no waiting for your items to sell”.

I ended up buying an Express silk shirt for $12 dollars. My roommate has the same shirt, but she brought it for $ 40 dollars at Express. That’s $28 dollar saving. So if you’re running short on cash or feel like doing some shopping without hurting your pocket, check out the nearest Plato’s Closet store for some real bargains. (Image from Plato's Closet)

Stop Cutting Coupons

Do you hate cutting out coupons or waiting for the newspaper to arrive to check for coupons? Well, look no more. The Best Online coupons website has thousands of coupons from many different stores.

According to the Best Online coupon website they have coupons for “Best Buy, Dell Computer, eBags, Circuit City, Target, Expedia, Macys, Office Depot, ProFlowers, Old Navy, Orbitz,, 1-800-Flowers, Walmart and many more”. Also the website has toolbar on the left hand side with different categories, like apparel & clothing, baby & kids and much more, which makes it easy to search by categories for coupons. So don’t waste you time cutting paper coupons or waiting for the newspaper. Instead, check out the Best Online coupons website. (Image from Cotton-Pickin Days)

Hott Deasl!

Just recently, I wondered if anyone had created a website that states the best deals of the day or week. Then I found Hot Deals Club. On the Hot Deals Club website, it states the dates, best deal found on that date and where to find it.

At the top of Hot Deals Club page it states “a collection of websites and RSS feeds built by deal seekers. This website is updated continuously. Unlike other sites that claim advertisements to be "deals" so they can make a quick buck, our goal is to only show the hottest deals available because we love hot deals”.

They also state that a deal can expire at anytime without notice or after posting. So if you wish to start looking for hot deals sign up for their e-mail notification at the top of their website and find some hot deals!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saving idea's!

As I was searching around for ideas for my blog, I found this great website called Thrifty Saving Idea’s. The website gives tips on how to save money on things like making candles last longer, how to get free mulch and so much more. There is also a search bar, which allows users to search for other money saving tips. I searched for “saving money in college” and about ten website’s show up. On the left hand side of the website, it lists different categories and author gives some great tips. So Thrifty Towsonites, take a look at the website and it might give you some idea on how to save money. (Image from The Young Mommy Life)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Recent News Story for my Thrifty Towsonities!

During the Holidays is one of hardest times to shop. Why do you ask? First thing that comes to my mind is the over-crowded malls, packed stores, the heat turned up so you melt in the store and the traffic congestion. I wish I knew some things before I did my shopping last Holiday season so now for next year I will be prepared.

Once you become a thrifty shopper, things change. You start to care about the prices and meaning behind the gift. A recent Gazette news article called “Tighter budgets spur buyers to embrace thrifty gifts for holidays” discusses ways to become thrifty shoppers. From the article I read about Denise Brijbasi of Landover, who gathers material to make jewelry that she gives to her friends and relatives at Christmas. Making Christmas gifts is one idea on how to cut cost down during the Holidays. (Image from Slones Signature Market)

Another way is to shop at the Salvation Army. From the article, Pat Daniels of Washington, D.C shopped at the Bladensburg Salvation Army. She found Christmas decorations and miniature holiday sacks. “Because of the way the economy is going, a thrift store a lot of the time is the first place you check for gifts, Before I go to Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom or Macy's I check here first”, said Daniels. The article also discusses the importance of donating money to different organizations, instead of buying gifts as well as other tips on saving money.

Overall the article does great job at getting the information across, giving audience members more than one idea to save money, where to shop and save and shares some personal experiences for other shoppers. The author of this article did great job making sure nothing was left out and bring up some great tips. So for more thrifty buys, thrifty Towsonites should check this article. Good luck.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thrifty Towsonites!

Have you ever wondered if you’re getting the best deal when you walk up to the store check-out counter? Well I have. Now that our country is in recession, I have become a thrifty buyer and shopper. Of course there are some things you can’t live without no matter what the cost. But what about items you want at the grocery store, book store or farmer’s market? I know there are some deals at these stores; you just need to find them. This blog’s audience will focus on helping college students who want the best deals save money. (Image from Population Game Music)

So welcome to Thrifty Towsonites! Let’s shop! Enjoy!

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